Author Archive for Lily Hassioti

OCEANKING and MarFlex cooperation

Posted on by Lily Hassioti • Comments disabled

We are pleased to announce our cooperation, for Greece and Cyprus, with MarFlex, a leading European pump manufacturer. MarFlex member of TAIKO Holdings, has more than 40 years of experience in designing and supplying electric-driven deepwell pumps, promoting more sustainable shipping by reducing the environmental impact. Marflex with its pump’s design is concentrating on the […]

Adoption of Monk Seal, Nireas

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Oceanking Green Team is proud to support MOm/Hellenic Society for the Study & Protection of the Monk Seal and their Rescue & Rehabilitation Program by adopting “Nireas”, an orphan Mediterranean monk seal found in Kythira Island. After 5 weeks in MOm’s Rehabilitation Center, Nireas was released back into the wild, where he remains, healthy and active, to this day!

Tree Planting in Ymittos

Posted on by Lily Hassioti • Comments disabled

Νοιαζόμαστε για το περιβάλλον μας, και συνεισφέρουμε έμπρακτα στην προστασία του! Η ομάδα της OCEANKING φύτεψε 121 δενδρύλλια κυπαρισσιών, κουτσουπιών, χαρουπιών και άλλων ενδημικών φυτών στον Υμμητό, συμβάλλοντας στην αναδάσωση των καμμένων δασικών εκτάσεων. Ευχαριστούμε θερμά το KEAN για τη διοργάνωση, το ΣΠΑΥ Υμηττός για την ενημέρωση και τον Αντιδήμαρχος Περιβάλλοντος Υμηττού, κο Κρητικό. Η […]

Posidonia 2022

Posted on by Lily Hassioti • Comments disabled

This years Posidonia has come to an end with a record of over 27.000 visitors! We are very grateful for the invaluable work and participation of our team and our partners, for making this a great exhibition! Furthermore, we sincerely thank our customers, for your constant support to OCEANKING all these years, strengthening our cooperation even more. […]

Naftemporiki 6th Shipping Conference

Posted on by Lily Hassioti • Comments disabled

Ήταν μεγάλη μας χαρά και τιμή που παρευρεθήκαμε στο 6ο Ναυτιλιακό Συνέδριο της Ναυτεμπορικής, που έλαβε χώρα στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής στις 24 Μαΐου. Η Κάρολα Γιαννούλη, Γενική Διευθύντρια & Μέλος ΔΣ της OCEANKING, συμμετείχε στο πάνελ της 2ης Ενότητας: “Οι δυσκολίες της υλοποίησης των λύσεων που επιβάλλει η ενεργειακή μετάβαση”. Μίλησε για τη χρήση εναλλακτικών […]

Navigator Assembly round table discussions

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We were very happy to participate in the Navigator Assembly that took place on the 13th of April in the Divani Apollon Palace and thalasso. The event was attended by 150 executives representing 80 ship owning and ship management companies. OCEANKING was amongst the 21 shipping organisations that took part in round table discussions during […]

OCEANKING HR for candidates’ soft skills at YES Forum

Posted on by Lily Hassioti • Comments disabled

Συγχαρητήρια στην δική μας Χριστίνα Κοσμά, HR Manager, για την εξαιρετική και ουσιαστική παρουσίαση της στα πλαίσια του Young Executive Shipping Forum 2022. Η παρουσίαση περιλαμβάνει χρήσιμες συμβουλές και πληροφορίες σχετικά με το ποια είναι τα απαραίτητα soft skills που πρέπει να διαθέτετέ και πόσο σημαντικά είναι να τα αναδείξετε σε υποψήφιους εργοδότες. Παρακολουθήστε όλη την […]

OCEANKING – HAT ANALYTICS enhance their market footprint

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OCEANKING initiated the partnership with HAT ANALYTICS, acting as their exclusive agents for the Greek and Cypriot markets in November 2020, serving the needs of ship operators for condition monitoring of auxiliary equipment. The HAT portable system currently counts more than 130 installations across various vessel types. The system, equipped with a 3-axis vibration meter: […]

Donation for good causes

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Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ από την OCEANKING, στο Κέντρο Υποδοχής κ Αλληλεγγύης του Δήμου Αθηναίων, ΚΥΑΔΑ, καθώς και στο Ίδρυμα Παιδικής Προστασίας, ΧΑΤΖΗΚΥΡΙΑΚΕΙΟ, που μας έδωσαν την ευκαιρία να συνεισφέρουμε στο τόσο σημαντικό έργο τους με αστέγους και μικρά παιδιά!!

Hyundai AMP (cold ironing) solution

Posted on by Lily Hassioti • Comments disabled

In OCEANKING, we were delighted to participate in the 2021 Greener Shipping Summit, organised by Newsfront / Naftiliaki. During the carbon capturing technologies session, our partners Hyundai Electric had the opportunity to present the AMP (cold ironing) solution. Mr. Dong Gu Lee, Senior engineer at Hyundai Electric, analyzed all important issues of Alternate Marine Power, and was introduced by our Spiros Kalimeris.   Watch the full […]

Green Team Volunteering

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Beach cleaning of Aiantio bay in Salamina On September 25th, our team in OCEANKING cleaned 600 meters of the Aiantion beach of Salamina, removing 20 large bags of litter. This action was part of Salaminia 2021, and was under the auspices of the municipality of Salamina.   Η ομάδα της OCEANKING, στα πλαίσια των Σαλαμινίων […]

Beach Cleaning in Piraeus

Posted on by Lily Hassioti • Comments disabled

Η ομάδα OCEANKING, το Σάββατο 5 Ιουνίου, παγκόσμια ημέρα περιβάλλοντος, αγκαλιάζοντας το σύνθημα του ΟΗΕ για το περιβάλλον: «Επανασχεδιασμός, αναδημιουργία, αποκατάσταση», με πολλή όρεξη και κέφι καθαρίσαμε τον όρμο Αφροδίτη στην Πειραϊκή. Με αυτή μας την δράση, υπό την αιγίδα του Δήμου Πειραιώς, “Imeresthalassas”, καταφέραμε να απομακρύνουμε από τα βράχια του όρμου αλλά και από […]

Online forums participation

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OCEANKING has been very active, participating in various online forums and conferences, being at the heart of the discussion. DIGITAL GREENER SHIPPING SUMMIT – SPRING 2021 On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, Miltos Messinezis, Sales Engineer at Oceanking SA discussed the use of propulsion energy saving technologies to satisfy EEXI & CII requirements during the DIGITAL […]

Maritime Training with ARI simulators

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ARI Simulation – OCEANKING S.A Cooperation AnnouncementOCEANKING is proud to announce a new cooperation in the field of Maritime Training & Assessment with ARI Simulation, the global leader in the supply of sophisticated maritime simulation, virtual reality, and cloud-based training solutions. Applied Research International (ARI) is a leader in the field of Digital technologies, including […]

Greener Shipping Summit 2020

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Greener Shipping Summit 2020

Propulsion energy saving technologies webinar

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A co-organized Webinar by Oceanking and Wärtsilä on October 8, 2020 A very insightful webinar on propulsion energy saving technologies by Oceanking, Wärtsilä Corporation and the American Bureau of Shipping. Oceanking sales engineer Miltos Mesinezis moderated a deep dive into Propulsion energy saving devices and meeting IMO targets. In this webinar we explored: ​ How […]

OCEANKING – NAUTILUS Strategic cooperation

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Oceanking SA proudly announces the strategic partnership with the maritime software technology firm Nautilus Lab for the Greek and Cypriot Markets. With this strategic cooperation, Oceanking extends its portfolio providing solutions in the field of smart shipping, concerning: Vessel performance, Fuel saving,  Energy efficiency, Voyage optimization Read more here :

NK-O3 BlueBallast – USCG Type Approval

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OCEANKING is pleased to announce that on  March 23rd, 2020, NK BWTS, NK-O3 Blue Ballast II and NK-03 Blue Ballast II Plus,  have been awarded type approval by the USCG.   We take this opportunity to inform you that OCEANKING ENGINEERING PC has been authorized as official service partner of our Principal NK in Greece, Cyprus and East Med. Our engineers have been fully trained by NK, both […]

Measures for COVID-19

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Θα θέλαμε να σας ενημερώσουμε ότι η Διοίκηση  της OCEANKING έχοντας πλήρη συναίσθηση των δυσμενών συνεπειών της πανδημίας του COVID-19, και με αίσθημα ευθύνης απέναντι στους ανθρώπους της αλλά και στην κοινότητα γενικότερα, πήρε την απόφαση να εφαρμόσει άμεσα μέτρα λειτουργείας της εταιρείας «εξ ‘αποστάσεως». Bασικός σκοπός αυτής της απόφασης αποτελούν πρωτίστως η προστασία του ανθρωπίνου δυναμικού μας, ανεξαρτήτως κόστους […]

Fuel consumption reduction

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In Oceanking, we believe that the short-term and possibly long-term solutions to tackle the environmental regulations and make shipping “Greener”, can be achieved by utilizing a combination of systems and technologies. These jointly used systems and technologies can be Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems, wind assisted propulsion, hull optimization and propulsion energy saving devises. Wärtsilä’s Propulsion […]

Running for good cause

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The Oceanking team was very happy and proud to run 5k in the 37th Athens Classic Marathon on the 10th of November! As we urge ourselves in Oceanking to be active in every possible way, 33 members of our company came together to run for the great cause of supporting ‘Χαμόγελο του παιδιού’. It is […]

LNG & LNGCs workshop

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OCEANKING always following the technological developments in the shipping industry, organized a thematic roundtable workshop on Thursday October 10th at the Athens Marriott Hotel, focusing on the growing interest of Greek shipowners in LNG carriers and LNG-fueled ships. All participants were invited in a “roundtable discussion” touching technologies of Gas Compressors, Gas fuel tanks, Nitrogen […]

Supporting culture – C.Tsoclis show

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As part of our strategy for supporting the Arts and culture, OCEANKING is very happy to be a sponsor in the latest exhibition of one of the most important living Greek artists, Costas Tsoclis. Tsoclis is a pioneer in visual arts, with a body of work that has been shown worldwide and has claimed international […]