An experiential workshop on the UN’s Global Sustainable Development Goals, run by Sustainable WE.

On the occasion of the annual Pita cutting, OCEANKING organised an experiential hands-on workshop for the company’s team, around the UN’s Global Sustainable Development Goals. This educational activity provided the opportunity to enhance our teams knowledge and sensitivity around current global issues that extend beyond the Greek maritime.

During the workshop held on 28/1/2023 at VIOS, the participants discussed the Global Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. They focused on the 5 that are of most concern to OCEANKING, (Climate Action, Quality Education, Industry – Innovation and Infrastructure, Less Inequalities and Life in Water), thus composing “Our Personal Goal”.

“Our Goal” Goal 14: Life in Water – Protect and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

In more detail, the participants emphasized the importance of quality education in order to inform and educate about adaptation actions to deal with climate change, they focused on the Innovation factor to find solutions such as alternative fuels and reducing pollutants for the purpose of sustainable industry , as well as in the transformation of buildings into “green” ones.

At the same time, they highlighted the importance of reducing inequalities within countries and transnationally, as climate change reinforces their existence, and underlined the need for long-term policies and investments aimed at the social inclusion of vulnerable populations.

Finally, they also focused on the importance of protecting marine biodiversity and the development of international partnerships for the protection of areas outside national jurisdiction.

We would like to thank Sustainable WE for organising and running the workshop, VIOS for hosting us in their wonderful space, and the OCEANKING team for the participation!